Online part-time job at home: Ways and 78 Websites for part-time jobs with dailyRWher
Where can you earn money on the Internet with payment to a card or EPS? Real remote work and actual ways to earn extra money via the Internet at home with the prospect of increasing earnings.
Thousands of people leave office jobs because they are more comfortable with part-time jobs on the Internet at home with a free schedule. In 2012, British telecommunications company Virgin Media Business conducted a survey of residents, on the basis of which experts predicted that in 2022 60% of office employees will work from home.
Experts were not mistaken, according to Russian analytical agencies, in 2015 the earnings of telecommuting workers amounted to $ 1 billion. In recent years, the market for freelancing and remote work and freelancing has been growing by 30% annually. If you want to find a job on the Internet without investment or with little investment, we suggest exploring 70 options for making money online.
What you need to work on the Internet
Remote work is a real perspective available to everyone. This format of cooperation is mutually beneficial for customers and contractors. A freelance worker can surf the Internet in their free time, in a comfortable home environment. Online part-time work can be the main income or additional income to the salary.
On the Internet, you can find a job that requires minimal knowledge and skills, but in any case, a beginner will need:
- Nice postal address . Some tasks require email. The best option is to create a beautiful, easy-to-remember and short mailing address.
- Electronic payment system . Services, exchanges and foreign sites use an electronic wallet to transfer money for work. The most popular are Webmoney, YuMoney, Qiwi.
- Bank card . After the withdrawal of the earned amount to an electronic wallet, they can be withdrawn to a bank card or receive money directly to the bank.
- Working attitude . The main condition for working remotely is the desire to work in your free time for your own development and increase your income.
- Time without distractions . In order to maximally focus on completing tasks, experts recommend setting the start and end times of work.
- The desire to learn new things (without this in any way).
Today, a part-time job on the Internet is available to everyone, regardless of age, gender and education. Schoolchildren, students, women on maternity leave, retirees, villagers and other people who want to improve their financial situation can do online work.
In order to start earning money remotely, you need to have a minimum set of skills:
- An online job seeker must be an advanced internet user. The minimum set of knowledge and skills is the ability to register on sites, use e-mail and perform other standard actions.
- Working remotely requires the ability to communicate with people by correspondence, where it is impossible to convey the emotional coloring of the voice. The same words spoken in voice and written in text can be perceived differently, and some methods of making money online involve negotiations with customers, partners or clients.
- Most jobs require certain knowledge and skills from a person. We are talking about narrowly focused areas of activity.
Any part-time job through the Internet at home requires responsibility, hard work and care. If a remote employee does not make mistakes, he is guaranteed to receive a decent salary.
Online part-time job with daily pay
Work-zilla ( ) is a site with tasks that require time and certain skills. You can write a review, record a video about a product or service, post an ad, call customers, make a video, etc. Depending on your hard work, you can earn 100-2000 rubles per day at Workzilla.
QComment ( ) is a service for making money on social networks - Instagram, Vkontakte and Facebook. Newbies get access to polls, likes, reposts. To write comments and reviews about goods and services, you must pass an exam. Making short comments, you can earn 500 rubles. in a day. ( ) is a platform for making money on social networks. On the platform, employers are bloggers, entrepreneurs and brands who need to increase the popularity of a page on a social network (VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube). On average, for 3 hours of work on the platform, you can earn 60-100 rubles. The cost of 1 like is 0.1 rubles, and the subscription is from 0.2 rubles.
Prospero ( ) - a service specializing in writing comments, reviews, texts for online stores and websites of various specializations. There are simple tasks for students to post information on social networks and forums. Performers are offered multi-level tasks: from 2-5 rubles. per comment and up to 3,000 rubles. for the presentation.
Globus ( ) is a service for a side job by watching ads using Android, iOS or a computer. After registering on the site, you need to download a special application and log into your account. After that, up to 10 advertisements will be received per day, for which the service pays money. Payment in dollars, you can withdraw funds every day.
WmMail ( ) is a service where you can earn money by reading letters, surfing the Internet and performing simple tasks. Here it is suggested to follow the advertisement, download files, vote, etc. It is recommended to install an antivirus before starting work. Payment depending on the complexity of the task - from a few cents to 2-4 dollars for writing an article.
Yandex.Toloka ( ) is a service with simple tasks that make the Yandex search engine more efficient. You can earn money by correcting typos, checking the relevance of videos to search queries, searching for ads and watermarks on images. A beginner can earn $ 1-4, a user with experience can earn up to $ 10 per day. The minimum withdrawal threshold is $ 0.2.
Advertapp ( ) - this service is for users who do not have the ability or desire to work on a home computer. It allows you to make money by downloading certain apps and watching videos from your Android phone. You need to install Advertapp on your smartphone, after which you can download the application. For this work, customers pay 2-5 rubles.
Online part-time job at home without investment
Earnings on taking surveys
A simple part-time job via the Internet at home without investment, which does not require skills. In order to make money in this way, you need to: find a suitable service, register on it and start taking surveys.
To receive suitable assignments, you must first fill out a special questionnaire about yourself, indicating the following information:
- Age;
- Gender (m / f);
- Education;
- Family status;
- Place of work;
- Availability of real estate, car;
- Hobbies and hobbies.
Most of the job seekers for additional earnings believe that their personal data can be used. There are many proven services on which it is possible to work on the Internet with a daily payment without cheating. They do not use personal information of users.
There are also unscrupulous resources that violate the rights of users in every possible way. And some do not pay at all, constantly changing the minimum withdrawal amount. Fraud is everywhere, and this method is no exception.
In order not to get caught by scammers, it is better to check the resources for reliability. To do this, you should search the Internet for real reviews. Positive reviews can be found on sites for making money by taking surveys:
- ( . The service is more than 10 years old, during this period 900,000 users have registered on it. It features a user-friendly interface, quick registration of participants.
- Myiyo ( ). A popular platform in Russia and all over the world, which is distinguished by a large number of surveys and good prices.
- LifePoints ( ). A popular international project that has a modern Russian-language interface.
- YouThink ( ). A relatively new resource with a user-friendly interface, simple registration and good prices per survey (20 minutes of work - 160 rubles).
- I-say ( ). The resource offers surveys for money, constantly holds contests with prizes in the form of real money or bonuses.
- My Opinion ( ). A resource with a nice interface, bonuses and other incentives. You can only earn bonuses on surveys that are exchanged for goods.
- The Panel Station ( ). Verified survey site. Active participants will receive rewards - vouchers and promotional codes.
Earnings on surveys from 20 to 200 rubles. for 1 survey. Experts with part-time work experience recommend registering on several services. This will allow you to earn more.
Comments and likes on social networks
Today there are many cheat services that credit real money for comments and likes on various social networks. This work on the Internet without investment does not require special skills and knowledge. In order to find similar projects and start making money, it is enough to enter the desired phrase into a search engine.
List of popular services for making money on likes and comments: Qcomment ( ), VKtarget ( ), V-like ( ), Cashbox ( ).
They are ready to pay money for performing simple tasks in popular social networks - Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter. You can earn for likes and comments from 100 to 500 rubles. in a day.
Earnings on reviews
Review sites generate advertising revenue by attracting real consumers. They are willing to pay for reviews of authors who have used a certain service or purchased a product. You can also earn by posting comments on different sites (payment after moderation). If you connect an affiliate program, you can receive a percentage of buyers.
This online part-time job is suitable for beginners looking to master the Internet. In order not to get caught by scammers, you should pay attention only to popular projects that have already proven themselves well. For example, the popular sites iRecommend and Otzovik .
On reviews (if there are views), you can earn from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. per month.
Copywriting as a way to make money
Writing articles on various topics is a profitable part-time job on the Internet at home without investing personal funds. Copywriting involves the creation of sales text that increases the sales of certain services or products.
Popular freelance exchanges for students, beginners and experienced copywriters:
- Advego
- Workhard
- CopyLancer
- TextSale
Anyone who is able to study the necessary information and express thoughts coherently can be engaged in copywriting. After writing an article, you need to re-read the written text, remove stamps, check it for grammatical and spelling errors.
There are 2 types of texts sold on the network: copywriting and rewriting. It takes practice to write high-quality and high-paying texts. Development in this area requires discipline, attentiveness and a willingness to learn. The performer must constantly analyze his own articles, study examples and conditions for writing high-quality texts.
You can use the following methods to search for orders:
- Register on freelance exchanges or specialized exchanges Advego , ETXT , etc.
- Study current advertisements for copywriter vacancies on the resources of large marketing and SEO agencies, freelance exchanges like Kwork .
- Use the topic to search for work on specialized webmaster forums.
A copywriter's earnings range from 10 to 300 rubles. for 1000 characters of text without spaces. The amount of income directly depends on the experience and qualifications of the copywriter, as well as on the market demand for texts on a specific topic. With part-time employment on the freelance exchange, you can earn from 3,000 to 12,000 rubles.
The cost of the services of a copywriter or rewriter on different exchanges ranges from 19 rubles to 150-200 rubles per 1000 characters. The cost of the text depends on the number of characters, the complexity of the text and the language. For example, an article of 5,000 characters in the field of psychology costs about 225 rubles, i.e. for 1000 characters the author asks for 45 rubles.
If you write about 5 such articles a day, you can earn 1,125 rubles. Thus, a copywriter can earn about 33,000 rubles a month.
Agree that this is a good part-time job via the Internet at home both for those who are sitting at home (mothers on maternity leave, students, schoolchildren) and for those who have their main place of work.
Expert articles (from authors working in the field of the topic of the article) can be sold from $ 50 per article and the assessment can go not only in volume, but in terms of time of work or information.
Call center operator work
This income is distinguished by the need to strictly adhere to the schedule. The operator must ensure the flawless operation of the Internet channel and home computer, as well as be online at the time agreed with the employer.
Earning principle :
- An IP telephony program is installed on the operator's home computer, which allows you to receive calls, exchange text data and video.
- Customer calls made to the employer's phones are automatically redirected to the employee's computer.
- A home-based call center operator accepts incoming calls.
- He answers all questions and advises potential clients.
Such work can be easily found on resources with offers of various vacancies, for example, at ( ). The operator's earnings most often depend on the amount of goods sold or services provided. Some companies offer a flat rate online for this kind of work.
The remuneration of a call center operator directly depends on his perseverance and ability to sell. For example, the average salary of a Yandex call center operator is 25,000-30,000 rubles per month.
Dispatching services
Transport companies, trade organizations, banking institutions, developmental, psychological and medical centers require dispatching services. Unlike the work of the Call Center operator described above, the dispatcher's task is to manage the activities of other employees of the organization and keep strict records.
Customers require the performer to be multitasking, stress-resistant and sociable. Most companies are ready to hire a person with no experience in this field for online work. Some firms provide training, most often courses can be taken remotely. Average earnings of a dispatcher 50,000 -80,000 rubles / month .
Nice and simple work with little investment.
Leveling up accounts in games
Leveling up accounts in popular games is the best part-time job without investment and cheating for teenagers who already love to play these games. For example, 28-year-old American Tyler "Ninja" Blevins earned $ 17 million from games in 2019 .
Clients can be searched inside games, on game forums, special game stores and services, like , where there is a special section " Game accounts ". The section also contains the statistics of the authors, where you can see that many users have sold more than a thousand accounts.
Sale of sites
This type of earnings will require a small initial investment. Websites can be bought at a low price at the auction , redesigned and sold for a large sum.
With the skills and knowledge, you can create "new" sites for individual orders and sell them.
The income will increase significantly and will become stable when regular customers and positive reviews appear.
Online Courses
A unique opportunity to make good money by initially investing a little money. Online courses involve the regular release of video lessons that will teach everyone something. Naturally, the courses should be taught by a professional who is an excellent cook, teaches a foreign language, composes a hokku, etc.
To make money on knowledge, you need to shoot videos, post them on a special platform for online courses, for example Udemy ( ) or on your blog, and promote the site, increasing the number of subscribers.
Online tutor's earnings depend on their experience, subject and location. For example, in Moscow, a young specialist with 2 years of experience on average asks for 300 rubles for 1 lesson in English. An experienced teacher asks for his services from 600 rubles per lesson.
For example, if you spend 10 classes with 1 student a month, a young specialist can earn 3000 rubles. But there can be more students, for example, if a teacher has 5 students, then earnings will rise to 15,000 rubles a month.
It is a popular type of online business with minimal investment. The owner must create his own information product - a podcast, which can be an audio show or a video. Earning, just like blogging, comes from advertising.
Also, a podcast may contain an offer to sell your own products or services. Before starting a podcast, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the tutorials available on the Internet.
This type of online business is similar in some details to owning an online store, but radically different from it. To do dropshipping will need to rent an office and sign a cooperation agreement with a large store.
After that, you need to engage in online sales of partner products. This is an intermediary between the store and the customer, where the dropshipper serves the customer and gets paid for it. At the same time, he does not need to purchase goods and rent a warehouse. Investments are required only for renting an office, developing a website, connecting and paying for the Internet.
Related videos, from 0 to $ 800,000 in 20 years:
Publishing your e-books
If you have inspiration, imagination and the ability to write interesting and competently texts, you can start selling your own books . To do this, it is not necessary to bypass many specialized book publishers and wait for approval for publication.
The written book must be placed on a special platform, for example, on KDP Amazon or iBooks Apple's . After that, she appears in various virtual bookstores, and the author of the work receives a percentage of the sale.
SEO Agency
This is a stable source of income through the Internet, which brings good income. Creation and opening of your own agency for SEO-site optimization requires knowledge and professionalism.
Before you start implementing the idea, you need to master the main features and nuances of SEO, after which you can sell your services. There are excellent online courses on SEO resource optimization on the Internet, training can be completed in a few months.
Earnings on your website
You can work on the Internet as the owner or creator of something. On the web, you can create something of your own - blogs, websites, information products, paid applications and much more.
This is a practical and forward-looking approach to network monetization. In this case, a person can work for himself, and not bring income to the owner of someone else's project or Internet resource. A great option is to create an information project and then monetize it.
The main profit for the site owner comes from advertising and affiliate programs ( CPA-affiliate programs or referral). He recommends a product or service in published articles.
Users follow links, register, buy products or order a service. As a result, the site owner earns a percentage of the transaction. The level of income depends on the method of monetization and subject matter.
Basically, webmasters monetize their own sites using the following methods:
- Affiliate (referral) programs.
- CPA networks.
- Contextual advertising.
- Teaser networks.
- Direct advertising
- Selling goods or offering services.
- Banner networks.
- Advertising via push notifications.
- Selling links.
Affiliate programs and context are considered the most profitable. Therefore, blocks with ads from Yandex or Google can be seen on every site. Teaser banners and ad units from third-party ad networks are relatively rare. More often they are posted by the owners of gray Internet resources: movie sites, 18+ sites and specialized forums of certain topics.
DFor example, FinFocus has blocks from Google Adsense and quite a few affiliate links to services that we ourselves use, for example, hosting or copywriting exchanges.
It will take a lot of time and effort to make money on websites. In rare cases, it turns out to swing the project right away, most often the webmaster will receive a normal income a year after the creation of the project. If you start monetizing the project with affiliate programs from the first day, the money will come after the first traffic appears.
Freelance part-time job
Freelance is a hired job that involves fulfilling orders for money. Copywriting is also freelance, which belongs to a separate category. He works for different or for one customer exclusively with texts.
A freelancer can do a variety of jobs. Newbies are constantly looking for clients, and over time they pump their skill in one direction and increase the amount of earnings by 2-3 times. Freelancing is an ideal option for a specialist who does not want to sit in the office around the clock.
Typing is a real remote work at home via the Internet without investment and deception, for which you need a computer, a desire to work, attentiveness and perseverance. Orders of such a plan can be found on well-known freelance exchanges.
It is important not to get caught by scammers, as this way of making money is especially popular with scammers. Remote typing on a home computer does not require special skills and has a low cost. On average, employers pay 10-20 rubles. for 1 sheet of text.
Writing term papers, tests
A significant proportion of students combine study and work, as a result of which they are not always able to close the gaps. Therefore, they order diplomas, essays, tests and term papers on the Internet.
The customer can be found on specialized platforms, for example, on the Author24 service for students and teachers ( ). The average cost of a coursework is 950 rubles, an essay is 400 rubles.
Designer and web designer
Creating pictures and illustrations is a challenging job that can be done remotely at home. Aspiring designers start out with low wages. A professional designer with a good portfolio experience and reputation can make decent money.
Today, web design is in demand, involving the design of modern, original and functional sites and web applications. In-demand specialists working on the creation of sites can earn more than 50,000 rubles on 1 project .
Remote work on the Internet for an architect is a great opportunity to earn money at home. A specialist in the field of architecture must have the skills to work with programs for creating projects, have a set of knowledge, be able to think systematically and take into account aspects of people's life.
An architect can consider proposals for the development of project documentation, the creation of sketch designs, 3D visualization of exteriors, and many others. You can find remote work on services that collect offers from freelance exchanges, for example, on Pchel ( ).
Content manager
On domestic and foreign freelance exchanges, there are many orders for filling sites of various topics. The content manager is responsible for filling with the text and graphic context of the resource of the organization offering any goods or services of the company with the graphic one.
Its task is to keep track of all sections, including the periodic addition of comments and customer reviews.
The profession of a content manager requires knowledge of HTML, skills in working with a website on various engines, experience in writing articles, the ability to use different editors, for example, Adobe Photoshop.
If desired, almost every copywriter can easily and quickly master the basics of this profession.
PR manager
When a seasoned PR manager develops personal connections with editors, journalists, city trendsetters, and other relevant people, they can start doing remote work on their own. What's the point of being a professional in a PR agency every day if you can promote several profitable projects yourself.
The best option if you add knowledge of SMM to the skills and possession of all the nuances of the profession of a PR manager. A specialist in such a flight will become even more valuable. In recent years, the profession of a PR manager has been in great demand among freelancers, so such services are well paid.
SMM manager
Creators of engaging copy with targeting knowledge should go to SMM managers . This is a very demanded profession in the modern market, which at first does not make a lot of money at first. However, with the right approach, you can achieve a good level of income in a year. Designing and putting into practice communication strategies for brands, expanding the audience of an organization is an interesting and challenging job.
A successful SMM manager is free to go freelance and make money while traveling the world.
Alternatively, he can open his own small agency. The only problem that can be encountered is that there are few good courses in the specialty of SMM-manager in our country. The choice of a training program must be dealt with with responsibility, while it is better to consult with successful professionals.
This is a great option for creative individuals with good taste, a sense of harmony, structural and logical thinking. It is also useful to be able to work harmoniously in one team with programmers. In principle, the basics of this profession can be mastered without special higher education. But this will take longer than mastering the skills of a copywriter.
A professional web designer is highly appreciated, so after working for several years in a digital agency, you can go freelance. This will allow working with customers directly, that is, without intermediaries. For solving complex problems, you can involve former fellow programmers.
This profession requires more patience than the job of a copywriter. The person must be very attentive and have excellent eyesight, since at the end of the working day it is not easy to see the imperfections in the image in the image.
If a copywriter can quickly grow in career plan and, if desired, change the subject and scope of his powers, then it is not easy for a retoucher to diversify tasks. Usually a specialist chooses 1-2 areas in which he is constantly " pumped " and works.
For example, a retoucher can take up fashion photography or the restaurant industry. On average, a retoucher earns more than a copywriter, this difference is especially noticeable at the initial stage. Photoshop courses are inexpensive, and there are many tutorials on the Internet.
Having set a goal to leave the main job and go to freelance, a successful translator with a good knowledge of a foreign language can find clients without much difficulty. You can maintain several regular customers - large foreign organizations. On services like Work At Home, you can constantly find small orders.
Thus, the translator can have a good monthly salary, while he will not sit in the office every day or travel with the boss to endless negotiations and meetings with foreign partners. Also, a translator can find a part-time job as a tutor for a schoolchild or student.
Where to look for a part-time job on the Internet
List of sites for making money - exchanges and services that offer remote earnings online:
Advego . There are specialists in the field of design, medicine, art, construction, etc. can find work. There are also many orders on the exchange that are suitable as a part-time job for schoolchildren on the Internet (likes, reviews, watching videos). The site's functionality is constantly being modernized, changed and reworked. There is an administration that monitors users so that they do not violate the rules of the exchange and, in cases of disputable situations, resolve conflicts. You can receive money in different currencies (rubles, dollars and cu). You can withdraw funds from 500 rubles to different wallets and bank cards. You can sell your articles on the site. The cost of work depends on the complexity, for example, the minimum amount for one like is 3 rubles, and for a translation of a text of 1000 characters - 40 rubles.
Kwork is a relatively new freelance exchange. For the execution of orders of various subjects, the performer can earn a fixed amount - 500 rubles. Registration on the exchange is simple and does not take much time.
ETXT is a popular copywriting exchange offering orders on any topic: internet marketing, construction, design, psychology, business, cars, etc.
Text ( . Everything here is the same as on the previous exchange, it has its own administration, rules and many orders. For beginners, it is necessary to pass a test of knowledge of the Russian language and to achieve an increase in the rating for a long time. The average price is 40-60 rubles per 1000 characters.
Contentmonster ( ) is an exchange that provides an opportunity to pass the "School of Copywriting". To register and access orders, the performer must pass the test, write an article and get the approval of the moderators. ( ) is a simple forum in the past that has become a large community for freelancers. The only drawback of the service is that in order to fulfill expensive orders, the user needs to purchase a professional account. Inexpensive tasks can be taken without it.
Kadrof ( ) is a freelance site that offers users remote work. There are many high-paying jobs from customers here. Also in the "Blog" section there are various ways to make money on freelancing on the Internet.
Russiancreators ( ) is a well-known Russian-language exchange that offers to make money by developing logos, creating illustrations and website design. The user has access to a secure transaction that allows him to protect himself from fraudsters. The service has a convenient system for withdrawing funds.
Freelancerbay (f ) is a large site with a convenient modern interface and support for 2 languages. On the convenient service, the user can find a large number of different vacancies for copywriters, translators, programmers and designers.
Dizkon ( ) - the site operates on the principle of crowdsourcing. Experienced performers from different countries are invited to solve various design problems. You can sell ready-made design ideas on the site. More than 70,000 performers and customers are registered on the exchange.
Pravoved ( is a popular resource offering legal professionals to make money. On the site, you can consult online with an experienced lawyer. Performers are also encouraged to write analytical materials that are well paid at copywriter rates.
Golance ( ) is a popular freelance exchange created in 2008. On the resource you can constantly find new vacancies for those wishing to earn money remotely. The site creators have focused on the functionality and simplicity of the resource. Fast registration, easy search for vacancies or freelancers.
Polyglot ( is an international translation exchange offering texts of any subject and complexity. It is one of the largest resources, employing hundreds of experienced translation professionals. The freelance platform Polyglot is distinguished by convenient search for orders and simple withdrawal of funds.
SpyLance ( ) is a new service for freelancers. It allows users to track high paying projects from 23 popular freelance exchanges. SpyLance monitors the offers of Russian and international platforms. By tracking new vacancies, the performer can get profitable orders.
Rabotunaidu ( ) is a popular site for easy job search and part-time work at home. The service offers can be used by accountants, lawyers, lawyers and specialists of other professions. Job offer in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities of the Russian Federation).
Dialect City ( ) is a translation agency that is included in the TOP 50. Performers of the popular resource work with various types of translation, including rare language pairs. A convenient platform with quick registration, a large selection of orders for beginners and more experienced translators.
Wowworks ( - site for freelance. On the site every day there are many different orders that you can carry out at home. The curator controls the process of completing assignments, monitors the quality and deadlines. If necessary, the contractor provides an act of completed work and a photo report.
Profiteka ( is a unique platform for freelancing. On the resource, performers offer their services in different areas, and the customer chooses the best option for him. Personal data verification, Recommendations, experience and rating on the site protect customers from fraud. ( is a young exchange for freelancing services, created in 2016. The resource provides an opportunity to monetize professional skills. The performer can offer his services, for example, writing SEO texts. The price for any job is fixed - 300 rubles. or $ 5.
Webpersonal ( ) is a simple site with a user-friendly interface. With its help, recruiting agencies are looking for employees to work remotely online. Part-time job for designers, managers, optimizers, programmers and copywriters. There are 20,000 projects available for freelancers every day.
HRSpace ( ) is the site of a large HeadHunter service for recruiters. Here you can earn by inviting performers for a suitable vacancy. Payments for recruiting are made to YuMoney, bank account or card. For 1 performer, you can earn from 5,000 to 100,000 rubles.
HRtime ( ) is the first HR-orders exchange that runs a recruitment service in Runet, offers orders for freelance recruiters, business trainers and hr. The recruiting agency works online with a variety of vacancies throughout the CIS.
JungleJobs ( ) is a popular site that allows freelancers to earn real money from recruiting. If it turns out to find a job seeker suitable for the employer, the service pays money for this without cheating. ( is a highly specialized freelance exchange. The main direction of the resource is the provision of services in the field of 1C (programming, configuration and maintenance of 1C). The service is intended for qualified, educated, responsible and competent professionals.
Foreign sites for part-time work
Amazon Mechanical Turk ( ) is the site of the Amazon creators. You can earn money by completing various simple tasks. At first, the payment will be low, over time you can easily earn several times more.
Upwork ( ) is a popular exchange for freelancers with a high level of English. Differs in high prices and a large selection of orders for computer design, copywriting, site layout, etc.
Elance ( is a freelance exchange. Resource users can fulfill interesting orders to get the main or additional income. Working on the stock exchange is the best part-time job for those who know English perfectly.
Dribbble ( ) is a site for creative creatives. Game designers, digital artists and front-end developers can find high-paying jobs here. Users can choose to work with a location or remote earnings.
YouTube ( ) is an opportunity to earn money from videos posted on your personal channel. The user can upload videos of any topic. With video ads enabled, the site pays $ 1-3 per 1,000 views.
Scarlet-clicks ( ) is a foreign box that pays for viewing ads, registering with activity, polls and other simple tasks. The main income on the box is the rent of referrals. Registration is simple, and the money earned can be withdrawn to PayPal and Payza.
Swagbucks ( ) is a popular overseas online survey site. The user can receive small money for participating in various consumer surveys. Companies use the data obtained to identify popular types of products for various purposes.
Neobux ( ) is a site that offers different ways to make money. Users are paid to complete simple tasks and view ads. They can also receive a percentage of rented and direct referrals. Funds are withdrawn within 24 hours to Payza and PayPal.
Skillshare ( ) is a popular online school abroad. The teacher must have professional skills and knowledge in any area. Then he can gather a group of students who are ready to pay for the acquired knowledge. The higher the qualifications and rating of the teacher, the higher the income level.
Megatypers ( ) is the highest paid service for making money solving captchas. The work does not require special skills and knowledge; the task performer is responsible for decoding letters and numbers in the image. On average, he gets up to $ 1.2 per 1,000 characters of typed text.
Ouo ( ) is a site where you can make money without cheating on shortening links. The service pays 20% of the total earnings of rented referrals, there is an affiliate program. Money is paid to electronic wallets Paypal, Payza. The minimum withdrawal threshold is $ 10.
Getsatoshi ( ), GeveMeCoin, GetYourBitco are one-way services offering users to earn free bitcoins. Those wishing to participate should start a bitcoin wallet. After the registration procedure, you can go to the Getsatoshi website and earn satoshi.
GPTPlanet ( ) is a site that offers to make money on advertising, paid registrations, direct and rented referrals. Even 100% income from earning referrals is possible. The resource is in English, but you can work using a translator. Money goes to PayPa, lPayeer, Payza.
ClixSense ( ) - RTR site of the elite class. The service provides the Internet user with the opportunity to make quick money. The tasks are simple - browsing sites, paid registrations, playing for money, and more. Money is credited to electronic wallets Paypal, Payza.
Zirtual ( ) - Resource for full-time searches. A user who registered on the site can become a remote assistant for a busy person. He must perform simple tasks for a decent pay. Work for an organized and conscientious person with excellent knowledge of the English language.
AngelList ( ) is a popular labor exchange that invites users to become part of a startup. More than 120,000 vacancies are available here, among them remote work is often found. The resource includes a large number of startups looking for active, conscientious and savvy employees.
Ebesucher ( is a German advertising project that offers users to earn money by surfing the Internet. Tasks for reading letters and viewing advertisements in different directions. The resource has a Russian-language interface. Payment for work - in Lose-credits, you can exchange them for Webmoney (
Freelancewritinggigs ( ) is an English-language service that mainly specializes in copywriting. The renowned freelance exchange offers high-paying jobs for seasoned copywriters and writers. More than a hundred thousand authors from Western countries and the CIS use the services of the site.
Freelance-info ( ) is a famous site in French. This large exchange is known in different countries of the world and is distinguished by a large selection of tasks, high pay for work. Performers can write slogans, advertisements, or voluminous literary works.
Proz ( ) is a large foreign exchange with a lot of tasks. Basically, translators use the service offers. The exchange provides for large rewards for active work and a convenient system for paying out the money earned.
The better NOT to earn money
You, of course, can do this, but these methods of earning have no growth prospects, careers and pay is extremely small.
Earnings on clicks
This is a simple form of earnings without investment, which does not require special knowledge and skills. In order to start working, the user just needs to perform a few simple steps - go to the books and register.
Each registered user of the web resource can earn money on the Internet with payment to the card, performing simple tasks. Most often, they are associated with clicks on ads or watching commercials.
Even 5 years ago, axle boxes were considered an excellent way to earn extra money on referral programs. Today they are less relevant, but suitable for newcomers to the Internet. Also, axle boxes are a great option for schoolchildren who agree to a small income. Several actual boxes:
- SEO-spint . Popular bux, which is in demand among advertisers and newbies. Having entered the site, you can complete several tasks and evaluate the result. The withdrawal amount is relatively small - 5 rubles.
- ProfiTCentR . This is an analogue of the SEO-spint box, also green and with the same functionality. The tasks for the performers are also the same. If they suit you, you can register on this box.
- SEO-Fast . It is the main competitor of seosprint. The principle is the same - the performer earns by clicking on the advertisement. The registration system allows you to earn more if you complete the tasks correctly.
Earnings on clicks are small - from 20 to 100 rubles. in a day. You will be able to earn so much if you click on ads, watch videos, register for certain services and perform other similar, low-paying tasks for most of the day.
Captcha input
The work consists in entering letters and numbers from the picture, therefore it requires only free time and perseverance. Solving CAPTCHA allows you to remove the barrier against robots. This improves the performance of various programs that automatically post messages on social networks and specialized forums.
On the services (, rucaptcha ( and other resources, a large number of people enter captchas, and the result of their activities is transmitted to the client. It is very difficult to enter captcha correctly for longer than 2-3 hours in a row. The wages are very low, you can earn no more than $ 50 per month.
Installing applications and other simple tasks
Sites AppBonus, AppCent, Apperwall, AdvertApp and similar resources offer to complete simple tasks. It may include different requirements: installing applications, writing a review, giving 5 stars to a product or service, etc. You pay very little for installing applications, and besides, you will have to overload your personal smartphone.
This part-time job is only suitable for initial earnings on the Internet, since it does not imply an increase in future income and career growth. The payment for completing such tasks is in cents, so you can earn a maximum of $ 50 per month.
Earn money online by watching ads
This is a simple work on the Internet without investment and deception, which even beginners in online activities can handle. You need to go to the resource and install a special extension. After that, on the side of the screen every 30-60 seconds. advertising blocks will appear, and money will begin to flow to the account of the task executor. Advertising does not radically interfere or block content. Popular sites for part-time jobs watching ads:
- Payad ( );
- SurfEarner ( );
- YouTube video ( ).
You can earn on viewing ads without investments and deception: 0.015-0.025 rubles / view. It should be borne in mind that the service can increase the rate for an active user.
Distributing files through file sharing
Not a bad part-time job via the Internet without investment, which does not require special knowledge and skills. Today there are many sites with software, most of which distribute files through file sharing. You can post and distribute files through groups in social networks, websites and instant messengers.
The distributor makes money on the fact that Internet users watch ads and download files. Earnings depend on the number of downloads. It may also depend on the user's country - advertising in the UK and the USA is more expensive than in Belarus and Ukraine. For 1 download, you can earn from 5 to 20 rubles.
Automatic surfing
It is used for browsing to view sites without user intervention, that is, in full automatic mode. When the time set by the advertiser runs out, the view will be counted and the site will change. To work, you need to install a browser application or a program that can work in stealth mode.
Earning by automatic surfing you won't be able to get a normal salary, but you will have to pay for communications. Paying for electricity reduces income to almost zero, since such work is paid in cents. In addition, there are big risks of catching a malicious virus or getting banned from the provider.
Earnings on installing applications
Services are ready to pay for downloading mobile applications with subsequent installation on a smartphone. To earn money, you need to register on the website of motivated installs -,, , etc. Then you need to do the following:
- Download a special application with tasks;
- Install and run a specific application;
- Periodically give a good mark in the store;
- The earned money can be received on the WebMoney wallet or on the phone.
The constant overload of the smartphone processor, the need to look at the small smartphone screen for a long time, very low pay and the lack of professional growth - all this makes this part-time job very temporary.
FAQ: Answers and Questions
Do you need to know foreign languages to work remotely?
It depends on which resource or from which employer you are looking for a job. When applying to a domestic organization, it is enough to know the native language. If you are targeting Europe or the United States, then you need to know English for full communication.
Can I work remotely while in another country?
The main advantage of working online is that you are not tied to your place of residence. Convenient remote part-time work on the Internet is possible anywhere in the world where there is a network connection.
Is it possible to find a part-time job on the Internet at home, which will immediately bring a lot of income?
Regardless of the type of remote work, at first, earnings will be fickle and small. Exchanges and online job search sites rarely offer high-paying jobs to newcomers. When you complete a lot of work, increase your rating and get positive feedback, you will be able to complete more expensive tasks.
What qualities are most valued by an online job seeker?
First, the performer must have the skills to perform the work or carefully study the process of its execution. Also, the bosses value the employee's responsibility, communication skills, attentiveness and the ability to communicate. It should be borne in mind that for a remote employee online, it is important to be in touch. An employer will not like waiting too long for his employee to answer.
How to avoid fraud when looking for a simple job for good money?
In order to protect yourself from fraudsters, it is recommended to take an advance payment for the proposed work. The best option is to work through a trusted and reliable intermediary. It can be an exchange, a website or specialized services that offer remote part-time work on the Internet.
How much can you earn on the Internet by writing texts?
The income level of a copywriter depends on work experience, perseverance, hard work and the level of written texts. Also, the cost of orders can be influenced by the rating of the performer on the site and the number of works performed by him. With a workload of 5-6 hours / day, a copywriter can earn an average of 900-1,000 rubles.
Where can you find a part-time job online with a secondary education?
It is worth considering the proposals of sites offering simple tasks for beginners - comments, likes, clicks. Over time, you will be able to try to master more complex, high-paying ways of earning money.
Can a remote employee be constantly monitored?
Usually employers do not practice tracking the performer, for example, via a webcam. But some companies can install special software on their home computer to track employee performance. It tracks how much time a person spent in each application.
How to make money on the Internet without investments and with daily payment?
There are a lot of ways to make money and find a part-time job with daily pay without investing on the Internet. For example, you can register on special sites where employers post simple (typing, putting up likes, downloading applications, etc.) and complex (writing dissertations, scientific articles) tasks, as well as looking for employees who will work with them on a permanent basis. basis.
How much time do you need to devote to a part-time job on the Internet to start making good money?
It all depends on the way of making money. If, for example, you choose a way to earn extra money in the form of clicks and sit for 8 hours at the computer, then the earnings will be small (100-200 rubles). This is not much, but as a part-time job for teenagers on the Internet at home it works well. But, for example, if you write a big interesting article in 8 hours, you can earn 50 dollars.
Everyone can start making money on the Internet, but not everyone succeeds. Why?
It's all about patience. Those who are looking for a part-time job on the Internet and hope for big and quick earnings will also quickly become disappointed and leave to look for work outside the home, i.e. in the office. And those who tried, studied and endured, get what they were looking for and earn on the Internet.
Who orders and pays for work on the Internet?
Like performers, customers are very different. These are mainly site owners or their own business, advertisers and well-known brands that need something (comments, articles on their sites, mystery shoppers in a certain city. For example, a customer places an order to monitor cinema attendance in certain cities (Moscow, Samara or St. Petersburg) and pays the cost of the ticket and pays 500 rubles from above for the work.
What is the best way to start earning money on the Internet?
The choice of a way to work on the Internet must be approached individually. When choosing a method, you need to take into account the level of education, age, level of PC proficiency, specialty and how much a person is willing to spend time working on the Internet. If the level of education and PC skills is low, then it is best to start small (writing comments, reviews, etc.).
Tips and tricks from specialists
- There is no need to listen to those who say that part-time work through the Internet without investment is a futile idea. For example, before, no one even imagined that it would be possible to earn money on social networks. But people like Nastya Ivleeva, Ida Galich and others have proved the opposite and continue to make money successfully. And today, many TV stars have already left television for the YouTube channel. In their opinion, it is easier to earn money there and there are more prospects.
- This job should be taken as seriously as normal office work, i.e. it is necessary to equip your workplace with all the amenities.
- Confirm that remote internet work is not financially stable. In one month you can earn 500 rubles, and in the next 20,000 rubles.
- Don't think that you don't need to learn in this area. As in any other activity, in order to grow, you need to constantly develop and learn new things.
- If at first nothing works out, you do not need to give up everything at once. It's worth giving yourself time to reconfigure and reboot to figure out how to proceed.
When starting an Internet activity, first of all, you need to think not about making money, but about how to gain experience and earn an impeccable reputation. For a start, it's best to complete inexpensive, simple tasks in order to gain skills, gain self-confidence, and earn positive reviews. This will open up access to high-value orders.
In order to gain skills and experience in writing articles, it is better to first take orders for text rewriting. It's like a retelling - you read someone else's article and present all the material in a new way. You can make it more interesting, add some examples to the article, or describe the information from a different point of view. As a result, you should get a completely different text, but the same subject matter as the original sample.
While writing texts of different lengths and topics, a copywriter needs to constantly develop skills. The contractor of such orders should read more books about copywriting and listen to constructive criticism. This will get rid of the shortcomings when writing articles. High-quality writing pays more and brings job satisfaction.
Do not be afraid to take on more complex tasks and increase the price, as almost any Internet activity involves the development and increase of income.
If a real side job on the Internet is difficult and incomprehensible, then you shouldn't do it. You will not be able to get pleasure from this work, achieve high results and professionalism. The best option is to choose the type of earnings that will be within your power and can have prospects. This will give an incentive to improve your abilities, grow and develop.
When you have worked on the exchange for several years and have gained enough experience, you can try to work with the customer directly. This will increase your income several times, as with personal cooperation, customers usually pay much more. Experts recommend asking for an advance payment in this case, as this will avoid fraud.
Convenient part-time work via the Internet with a free schedule is the job of the future. The new generation will not rent an office, as you can create a virtual one in 2 clicks. You can see partners, employees and customers online without wasting time and money on the road.
Having a main job does not mean that you do not need to earn extra money at home - it opens up new prospects and allows you to increase your income.
In conclusion, we can say that real remote work from home via the Internet without investment and deception exists. And in order to find your own way of earning you need to make efforts, be patient, constantly improve and not stand still. Then all efforts will not be in vain and everyone will be able to find a part-time job on the Internet with good earnings.